Aged Gin is not something entirely new if you
refer back to Part 1 of this series on Genever the Dutch have been barrel aging
for many centuries. However it has had new life breathed into it in recent
years with an explosion of new brands from around the globe.
So why would you age a Gin? Seems a little counter
intuitive to the bright fresh flavours that Gin makers are normally trying to
achieve? You may be right in that this style of Gin is not necessarily going to
be consumed in a traditional G&T or Tom Collins and so it may not appeal to
some Gin drinkers.
However aged Gin is a very exciting new development
for Gin that will help consumers to realise that Gin has more to offer than
simply being something you smother with tonic water, Gin should be seen as a
spirit that is worth sipping on its own. Craft gins are often extremely unique
and flavoursome with incredible diversity available but often limited to
cocktails and the G&T through tradition and stigma.